Recruitment Outsourcing

Recruitment outsourcing is when you transfer all or part of your recruitment process to an external provider.

Why schools utilise recruitment outsourcing with Apex Education Recruitment:

  • We manage and take full or part responsibility of the recruitment process
  • Takes time and all or part of the process from yourselves as school
  • All potential interviewees have a lot of contact from us, so you have shortlist information for interview of a person and not just an application form
  • We become part of your HR team/recruitment team
  • Working within your school brand and ethos
  • Work more closely on-site
  • Continued on-going support once candidates are in post

Ultimately you gain the right skills and experienced candidates and we streamline the process whilst keeping decisions with yourselves on hiring.  Our recruitment outsourcing service is tailored with you, for you.

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